Dodge Dakota truck enthusiasts with a free interactive site
including a multitude of services such as Photographs,
, Message
Boards, Mailing Lists, and
much more.

MESSAGE BOARDS are a great way
to share information with other Dodge Dakota owners on the
web. Each month, hundreds of thousands of people come to
the message boards at DodgeDakota.net to share their useful
knowledge. The boards are now searchable
so you can spend less time getting the help you need. There
are two formats to the forums. There are member forums which
you must be a MEMBER
to post to and/or view. There are also open forums. The
open forums are open for everyone to enjoy.

Here are some illustrated how to articles that members have
sent in. If you have one that you would like posted here,
please Contact Us!
Chain and Tensioner
Your Door Handles

If you know of a product you would like reviewed,
or you are a manufacturer and would like to have a review
done on one or more of your products, please Contact Us!
10130 OBD 1

Many thanks to those who donated to keep this site smokin'.